Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Similarities and Differences in the Islamic Empires and Asian Societies

The Islamic Empires and Asian Societies were economically similar in that they both stagnated technological innovation. This similarity occurred because both empires wanted to prevent destabilization that was believed to be caused by change. The Islamic Empires and Asian societies were socially different in that the Asian societies did not value the warrior class while the Islamic Empires did. This difference occurred because Confucianism was entrenched in Asian society which promoted peace whereas Islam provoked military expansion.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Why are these Islamic Empires put together?

By putting together the Ottomans, the Safavids, and the Mughals, it suggests similarities between different empires. By doing so, it implies the chance for alliances in the future which is relevant today such as the European Union. It also implies that the empires are less important because all three are summarized in one chapter.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Aspects of Fabian Fucan's Attack on Christianity

The religious aspect of Fucan's attack is that he promotes Confucianism as well as Buddhism. The cultural aspect is that he always views them as inferior when he refers to Christians as barbarians. The historical aspect is that he explains that Christians took over the Philippines and Mexico in the past. The political aspect is that he believes the Christians will try to usurp every country and take them over. The social aspect is that he sees Christians as martyrs who were willing to risk their lives.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

POV of Qianlong's Letter

Qianlong's letter has a condescending tone. It has a condescending tone because the emperor was surrounded by eunuchs saying he is the best and because of his belief that China was economically self sufficient that did not need to associate with foreigners.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why history has zero predictive value

Based on Ronak's blog post, he predicted incorrectly about the duration AND populations of the Ming AND Qing dynasties. Roank believed that because there was a trend of a dynasty with a long period followed by a short lived dynasty, he thought that this trend would continue. However, it did not because both the Ming and Qing dynasties had similar durations. For populations, he predicted steady population growth based on previous populations of dynasties. However, he predicted wrongly because the populations of the Qing especially increased rapidly.

Rachel believed that because of trade increasing with Europe, then innovation would also increase. However, this was completely incorrect because the Ming and Qing dynasties shunned innovation.

My Prediction

My prediction below was correct.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Political & Economic Change in the Ming & Qing China


The Ming & Qing will continue to look inwards to its domestic affairs rather than foreign affairs. There will still be dynastic imperial monarchy and a bureaucracy to choose officials.


Both dynasties will continue to look inward and therefore there will be not so much economic innovation because there is a lack of foreign influence.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The first graph shows a steady increase in population in Africa from 1500 to 1800. This seems contradictory to the slave trade which disrupted societies. However, it is surprising to see that population still grew and at a steady pace. The second graph shows a rapid increase in the volume of African slave exports from the 16th century to the 18th century. It surprises me that the graph makes it seem like a large amount of the population was whisked away as slaves but even the peak was only around 55,000 slaves compared to the population of 60 million total. The third pie graph shows that African slaves went to the Caribbean and Brazil while a fewer amount went to North/Central/South America. I also found it surprising how 50% of the slaves went to the Caribbean because it seems like a lot of people for not that much landmass compared to Central and South America. These diagrams do not really expand my understanding of the textbook's contents but instead reinforces it.