Thursday, October 4, 2012

President Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great would not be electable. One reason is his motive for war is to avenge humility from hundreds of years ago. Today, no citizen would want their country to engage in a war with no clear objective or purpose because war is costly and people today want the president to focus more on fixing domestic issues rather than trying to police the world. Although such an example may parallel Bush's motive in starting a war in the Middle East. Considering his frequent drunken behavior, most Americans would deem his behavior as inapropriate. Also, Alexander the Great appears to be too fanatical with his belief of religion which might be too radical for some. Although some leaders are more big on religion than others in which religious beliefs influence legislation on issues such as abortion and gay marriage. Overall, he would not be electable.

(i don't know what happened with the right margin)

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